UNIT 1. Technology and Society.

KEY WORD:System, items, manufacture, products, invents, research. 
FUNCION OR USE: What is this used for?´--->What´s this for?---- It is used for ...-ing.
FUNTION: Calculate-->Calculator; Contain---->Container
APPEARANCE: It looks like..;It is shaped like...; It is in the shape of a circle; It´s an L-shape object.

"Video: Evolution of the Technology"

What´s technology?: Technology is the group of knowledge, skills, and techniques that human use to satisfy needs and to solve problems.
Technology is the practical application of knowledge. Technology works like a system that involves turning natural items into useful products: eg.car, tin, clothes, etc. It´s the know-how. 
Technology works like a system (Input-Process-Output and feedback) where natural items turn into manufactured products. Systems are developed to address a goal. 
  • The INPUT are the resources available to the system.
  • The OUTPUT are the products generated by this system.
  • The PROCESS is the way to get the goal.
  • The FEEDBACK is used to control this process, it is the signal or measure that says how well the goal is being achieved, or how well the process is working. 

Technology and society work together: technology responds to society´s needs and helps society to develop.
Nowadays technology is present in all areas of society and has made major changes to our lives. Can you image a world without telephones or computers? And without cars, trains or planes? Could we live with food that only comes from traditional agricultural processes?



1.1. Look for information about the main industries in your community. Write a short report about what is produced and how technology is used for.
  •   Mazapán: one of the main industries in Toledo is the mazapán's industry. One of the most famous is Santo Tomé. It has several shops in the city.
  •   Cheese industry: Manchego cheese is one of the most famous cheeses in the world. It employs technology in very different aspects: for feeding and taking care of the animals, for creating the cheese from animal's milk...One of the most famous is the Garcia Baquero. It is located in Alcazar de San Juan.
  •   Wood Industry: It produce lots of wood items such as doors, cupboards...Technology is used in every steep. Since the wood is taking from the forest until the product is finished and ready to be sold. One of the main industries is located in a small village near Toledo, Sonseca, but there are lot of insustries of this kind in Toledo.

1.2. Find out and write down the environmental problems that can come from those processes.
  • All of them produce factory waste. The mazapán and cheese industry produce almost the same environmental problems because they are food and they are make with animal resources. The wood industry produce much more problems: to cut the trees in the forest, to destroy the animals habitat, as it has more process an it takes more time it produces more waste... 

Complete the following table into your word processor and copy-paste it into your BLOG.

Factory waste
Work and Leisure
Factory waste
Factory waste

2.2. Make a table with ten invents, their inventors and the date. Do it into your word processor and paste it on your blog. 




Johannes Gutenberg 

Printing press


James Watt

Steam engine


Joseph Nicéphore



Samuel Morse



Alexander Graham Bell



Thomas Alba Edison

Light bulb


Paul Nipkow



Carl Benz



Guglielmo Marconi



Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen



2.3. Choose an invent and make a report similar to this LINK:_EDISON 


Date of Birth: March 3, 1847
Date of Death: August 2, 1922
Source: Edinburgh, Scotland
Job: Scientist and Inventor
Time: Contemporary

English scientist and inventor, is credited with the invention of the telephone and other smaller studies, among others, a device to limit the effects of deafness. Born in March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland, studied at university in London to Scottish and later emigrated to Canada and the United States (1870-1871). He taught a deaf and reported visible speech system developed by his father (Alexander Melville Bell), who was an educator. Graham showed how using your lips, tongue and throat in the articulation of sound. In 1872 he founded in Boston, a school for the deaf, which is then integrated into the university where Graham Bell was a professor of vocal physiology. During his stay in Boston fell in love with a deaf student, who urged him to continue his research, he married her in 1877.

Bell had to go on trial for a patent on the telephone, and at the same time, Gray was filed in the registry with a phone device, but Bell won. The rapid expansion throughout the world, so interesting transmitter of the word, gave universal popularity Graham Bell.
With the patent in his hands, he founded the Bell Telephone Company in 1877. Three years later, France awarded him the Volta Prize (50 000 francs), for his invention, with the capital, he founded the Volta Laboratory in Washington DD, which would make a series of inventions along with other scientists, such as photo phone (transmitter apparatus sounds by means of light rays), the audiometer (meter hearing acuity), the induction balance, the first wax cylinder to record sounds.

Became a U.S. citizen in 1882 co-founded the National Geographic Society, founder of the journal Science (1883). In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Graham Bell got involved in aviation and investigated with large kites and comets, including the ability to transport a person, with a group of partners, developed the wing of an airplane wing that allows roll control.
A 126 years since the invention of the telephone by Graham Bell, new controversy over the patent, even the House of Representatives of the United States recognized as author of the invention to the Italian Antonio Meucci, who until his death established trial to get the recognition by the world to Alexander Graham Bell. Bell and Meucci, will remain in history as the inventor of the telephone, but the two have never met and only because Bell had enough money to pay for the patent, Meucci, no


3.1. Find out the opposites of these word:

   a) Pull out Pull in 
   b) Put on Pull of 
   c) Put togetherPull apart 
   d) Put inPull out

3.2. Match the tools you need with the actions:

  a) To cut a playwood board Saw 
  b) To glue two pieces of wood Glue and Clamps 
  c) To measure a board Ruler or set square  
  d) To sand a corner of a pieces of planks File or sand paper 
  e)To make a hole Drill 
  f) To insert a nail Hammer
3.3. Write down in your blog why this actions are dangerous in a workshop:

   a) Running I think running is dangerous because you might fall.
   b) Jumping
I think jumping is dangerous because you can fall and hurt       
                            yourself with a tool.  
   c) Having loose hair I think having lose hair is dangerous because it can be
                            caught by the machines. 
   d) Pushing I think pushing is dangerous because you can push a classmate
                            against a machine and hurt him.

3.4. Copy and complete these sentences about health and safety. 
   a) "You musn´t wear rings or having loose hair because they can be
        caught by the machines
   b) "You musn´t make too much noise because you can disturb your
   c) "You must keep your workstation clean and tidy because if you
        don't do it you will not work properly
    3.5.- Match the tools you need with the actions. Use your dictionary. Copy them into your notebook and draw a picture of the tools next to the word.

    1.-Glue and clamps B                                        
        a) To cut a plywood board 2                                         
        2.-Saw A
        b)To glue two pieces of Wood 1
        3.-Ruler or set square
        c) To sand the corner of a piece of planks 4
     4.-File or sandpaper C   
        d) To insert an eye bolt in a piece of wood 5

    5.-Punch or make a hole D
        e) To measure a board 3