
I'm Isabel and this is my blog.
In this blog I'm going to write the technology units.
I hope you like it :)


  • Hardware-physical components 
  • Software-programs in the computer:Word processor, internet etc 
  • Switch on/turn on/ boot up 
  • Conversation chat room
  • Download 
  • file 
  • folder 
  • hard copy physical documet 
  • soft copy saved documento n th computer 
  • desk top home sceen 
  • save document memory 
  • hard drive memory storage 
  • Windows 
  • Link(ikon) Little pictures you clik on to go on to another webpage to acces documents my documents Little folder
  • Spreadsheet
  • Crash-freeze/frozer
  • Anti-virusprogram to protect your computer
  • firewall